• Maybo is a leader in conflict management training and workplace violence reduction for the licensed retail sector

    Conflict Management and Personal Safety Training for Bar and Nightclub Staff

    Maybo has played a leading role in raising training standards in the licensed retail industry for over 25 years. Our training enables staff, managers and door supervisors to work together to reduce risk and respond professionally to challenging situations.

    Proven experience and trusted expertise

    Maybo assisted the British Institute of Innkeeping Awarding Body (BIIAB) with the development of employer risk reduction guidance and the first conflict management qualifications for the licensed retail sector.

    Working with BIIAB and Skills for Security we provided the first accredited, nationally recognised physical intervention training programme and we continue to play an influential role advising government regulators and awarding organisations on the development of licensed retail training competencies, qualifications and best practice.

    Maybo's physical intervention programme for door supervisors is the preferred choice for security, event and venue operators and formed a core part of the mandatory training provided to over 20,000 personnel at the London 2012 Olympic Games.

    We believe most conflict can be avoided or defused through good customer service and positive communication skills, however, personal safety risks are greater in some environments, such as where there is heightened risk from alcohol or drugs. Our training curriculum ensures everyone gets the level of training they need for their role.

    Maybo Training Programmes

    Explore the range of training modules in Maybo's licensed retail curriculum below

    • All

    • eLearning

    • Classroom

    • Virtual Classroom

    • Train the Trainer


    Maybo's eLearning programmes utilise the latest learning technologies, realistic scenarios and interactive exercises to offer an engaging self-study learning experience.

    eLearning can play a valuable role within a blended learning strategy, underpinning the knowledge and reducing staff abstraction time, or in some instances as a complete solution. It also works well for induction and refresher training.

    To find out more or for volume purchases contact our team or visit our eLearning store for individual purchases.

    eLearning is also known as self-directed learning. It often precedes Classroom or Virtual Classroom training to provide a foundation of knowledge in advance - this is known as a blended approach.


    Maybo designs and delivers training to meet your requirements and can deliver direct to your staff wherever you need it. We take time to understand your training needs and the unique challenges and scenarios your colleagues face, to ensure our Classroom courses are highly relevant. Learners receive superb resources and certificates with a range of accreditation and qualification options.

    Classroom training can be combined with eLearning to form a blended learning strategy, underpinning the knowledge and reducing staff abstraction time.

    Classroom training is delivered by a trainer at an agreed venue. It is also sometimes called face-to-face or in-person training.

    Virtual Classroom

    Maybo designs and delivers Virtual Classroom training to meet your requirements.

    Virtual Classroom training enables staff to benefit from engaging team training with high-levels of participation delivered remotely by a skilled facilitator over video conferencing software including Zoom and MS Teams.

    Virtual Classroom training can also be combined powerfully with eLearning to form a blended learning strategy, with eLearning underpinning the knowledge and reducing staff abstraction time.

    Virtual Classroom training is live, participatory training delivered remotely by a trainer with video conferencing software.

    Train the Trainer

    Maybo offers a Train the Trainer model that equips experienced trainers to deliver Maybo's accredited training curricula within their own organisation.

    We run regular courses on a variety of subjects that include supporting people with complex needs, positive behaviour support, preventing conflict and behaviours of concern, safer approaches to de-escalation and conflict resolution, personal safety, assault avoidance and low arousal handling skills.

    To find out more contact our team.

    Trainers receive access to Maybo's online resource centre where they can find everything they need to deliver and certify Maybo training in-house.

    Bars and Nightclubs – All

    • Preventing Conflict and Reducing Risk

      This module is for people who regularly interact with customers or members of the public in their role.

      Reducing Work-related Violence Risks

      • Workplace violence and difficult behaviours
      • Rights and responsibilities
      • Planing to reduce conflict and risk

      Signs and Causes of Escalating Conflict

      • Common causes of difficult behaviours
      • Instinctive reactions to emotional or threatening situations
      • Potential triggers in self and others
      • Levels of escalation

      Positive Interactions and Choices

      • People's needs and expectations
      • Influencing positive outcomes
      • Overcoming barriers to communication

      Delivery methods:

      • eLearning eLearning
      • Classroom Classroom
      • Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom
      • Train the Trainer Train the Trainer
    • Safer De‑escalation

      This module covers de-escalation strategies to alleviate a situation and achieve a positive and safer outcome.

      Dynamic Risk Assessment

      • Maybo SAFER model
      • Risk identification
      • Informed decision-making

      De-escalation Skills

      • Positive, non-aggressive approaches
      • Safer positioning and teamworking skills
      • Strategies to defuse, calm and resolve

      Personal Safety and Post-incident

      • Confronting behaviour
      • Heightened risk indicators
      • Exit strategies in higher-risk situations
      • Post-event impact and responsibilities

      Delivery methods:

      • eLearning eLearning
      • Classroom Classroom
      • Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom
      • Train the Trainer Train the Trainer
    • Application of Physical Intervention Skills in the Private Security Industry

      SIA Approved

      This module provides non-aggressive physical intervention skills for use as a last resort to prevent people coming to harm. It is relevant for private and in-house security guards and door supervisors and can be delivered as part of SIA licence linked qualifications.

      Understanding physical interventions and the implications of their use

      • Legal and professional implications 
      • Positive alternatives to physical intervention
      • Understanding the differences between defensive physical skills and physical intervention

      Recognising and Reducing Risk

      • Key risk factors of restrictive physical interventions
      • Individual and team responsibilities to reduce risk and respond to medical emergencies

      Disengagement and Assault Avoidance Skills

      • Stance and positioning
      • Evading and protecting against blows
      • Disengagement from grabs and holds
      • Methods to stop assaults or fights
      • Professional communication

      Holding and Escorting Skills

      • Training and operational risks associated with non-pain compliant restrictive skills
      • Non-aggressive restrictive holding and escorting skills 
      • Structured exercises
      • Positioning and teamwork in transitions between skills

      Containing and Supporting Skills

      • Reduce risk whilst containing a seated person
      • Teamwork skills to support a person to a seated position on the floor
      • De-escalation and re-engagement skills
      • Applications relevant to the role

      Some venues and roles may require training in higher levels of intervention and equipment, which Maybo can provide subject to controls.

      Delivery methods:

      • Classroom Classroom
      • Train the Trainer Train the Trainer
    • Supine Containment

      Non-aggressive physical intervention skills for use as a last resort to prevent people coming to harm. 

      Training in the use of restrictive interventions must only be provided within the context of a commitment to the reduction of the use of all restrictive interventions and the provision of person-centred support.

      • Training and operational risks of supine interventions 
      • Reducing risk when holding a person in the supine position 
      • Disengaging from a supine position
      • Supporting or initiating a transition to the ground 
      • Contextual applications of Maybo supine holding skills

      Some services and roles may require training in higher levels of intervention and equipment, which Maybo can provide subject to controls.

      This module is RRN Approved when part of a BILD ACT Certified Curriculum.

      Delivery methods:

      • Classroom Classroom
      • Train the Trainer Train the Trainer
    • Reducing Restraint Related Risks

      Any use of physical intervention, especially physical restraint, carries significant risk. This self-study eLearning course provides critical information to anyone in roles where physical intervention may lead to the application of physical restraint. 

      Combining evidence-based guidance on the medical risks and good practice methods to reduce risks in settings where restraint may be required to create and maintain safety. 

      • Why physical Intervention and restraint should only be used as a last resort
      • Why physical intervention and restraint pose risks to physical health and mental wellbeing
      • Commonly used terms relating to the use of force
      • Considerations when making a decision to use force
      • Alternatives to the use of physical intervention
      • Recognising and reducing the risks of harm in situations involving physical intervention or restraint
      • Factors that increase risks of harm during physical intervention
      • Key steps we can take to reduce risk of harm during physical intervention as part of our duty of care
      • 'Red Flags'
      • Key considerations following use of physical intervention



      Delivery methods:

      • eLearning eLearning
    • The level of service and attentiveness to client needs is unparalleled.


    • The course alerted managers to how sensitive management of people after a violent incident can reduce trauma symptoms and aid recovery.

      Mothercare - Profit Protection

    • Excellent training session. Kept us all interested for the whole day. Would highly recommend.

      McDonald's Restaurants - Delegate

    • The online training has worked well. We’ve been able to reduce abstraction time for staff for direct training from two days to one.

      Debenhams - Operations Team

    • The delegates, who were from a diverse range of Tate departments, each found it relevant to their areas and everyone I talked to reported gaining loads of new practical tools and increased confidence in communications.

      Tate Modern - Production Manager

    • Everyone who attended yesterday’s session was absolutely full of praise for the course and the training, I have had excellent feedback on pretty much every aspect of the delivery and content. If we need any further training we will certainly be in immediate contact with Maybo.

      Tate Modern - Production Manager

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