SIA licence-linked qualifications postponed until April 2021

    Deadlines deemed unrealistic due to COVID-19

      • Sector News
    • 13.05.20

    The UK's Security Industry Authority (SIA) has decided to postpone the introduction of new licence-linked qualifications until April 2021.

    Having spoken to industry and awarding organisations, SIA said that they felt the September 2020 launch date for the new qualifications was unachievable due to COVID-19.

    Every five years the regulatory body reviews the qualifications required for an SIA licence to make sure that they stay up to date with changes to the law, technology, and the way people work.

    As part of the review, SIA is looking at how to quality assure training processes.

    SIA: New SIA licence-linked qualifications postponed to April 2021

    Maybo perspective

    The position taken by the SIA regarding the new qualifications is understandable. Meanwhile, security operatives across a range of sectors and roles continue to experience conflict and violence so it is vital employers (both security companies and buyers of security services) refresh knowledge and skills in handling conflict.

    During restrictions, Maybo’s eLearning can provide a positive option for operatives who may have undergone their SIA training some years ago and help better protect them and their employers: click here

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