Safety, trust and confidence central to Ahpra 2020-2025 strategy

    Scheme sets standards for registered health practitioners

      • Sector News
    • 04.09.20

    The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra) and National Boards have published the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme for 2020-25.

    Creating a safe and inclusive work culture is central to the strategy, alongside regulatory effectiveness, trust and confidence, capability and culture.

    The vision at the core of the strategy is that “communities have trust and confidence in regulated health practitioners”, with a mission of creating “safe and professional health practitioners for Australia”.

    Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency: National Registration and Accreditation Scheme Strategy 2020-25 published

    Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency: National Scheme Strategy

    Maybo perspective

    Aphra’s primary role is to protect the public and set standards and policies that all registered health practitioners must meet. Providing staff with the skills to safely de-escalate conflict and manage behaviours of concern can play a central role in creating a healthcare service that communities place their trust and confidence in

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