Maybo's Approach to Risk Reduction in 3 minutes

      • Maybo News
    • 04.12.23

    Maybo provides organisations with the training, tools and guidance to reduce and manage conflict and behaviours of concern, leading to positive and safer outcomes.

    Our short video on Risk Reduction outlines the three-level approach that Maybo uses to better understand and reduce incidents. It includes how to respond professionally, and safely, alongside guidance on how to de-escalate situations that arise and support those involved afterwards.

    By providing a three-level approach, our training offers the tools to manage a situation at every stage of its development.

    When it comes to Risk Reduction, everyone has a part to play. The first stage (preventative approaches), is about working together to communicate and understand potential areas of concern. This approach provides the skills to mitigate and manage the risk as it occurs.

    The secondary stage (de-escalation responses) involves communicating effectively through body language, active listening, and maintaining personal control. Showing your desire to understand and help increases the likelihood of de-escalating a situation before it gets out of control.

    The third stage (emergency responses) aims to prevent physical and emotional harm. Responses may include calling for help, handing over to someone else, or leaving the situation. It's important to remember that all responses should be lawful, necessary, and appropriate. 

    You can watch the full video with the link below:




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