Concerns raised over levels of support provided to carers

    Care of NDIS participants suffering due to poor service provision

      • Sector News
    • 21.01.21

    Carers Australia has urged the Federal Government to provide greater support to carers after new figures released by the Productivity Commission show decreasing levels of satisfaction amongst primary carers.

    The annual Report on Government Services found that: 

    • Primary carers of people aged over 65 years are increasingly dissatisfied with the quality of services provided
    • Only 36.1% were satisfied with the range of organised services available to support them in their caring role
    • Primary carers of people with disabilities aged 15 – 64 years experienced a decrease in satisfaction with the quality of services received, down to 66.6% in 2018 compared to 73.4% in 2015
    • Satisfaction with the range of services received also remains low at just 29.6%

    The report also found that it took an average of seven days to get a decision on NDIS eligibility, plus an average of 69 days for approval of the first plan.

    Liz Callaghan, Carers Australia CEO, said: “These figures are concerning as it is important services enable NDIS participants, and where appropriate, their carer, to exercise choice and control in the pursuit of their goals and in the planning and delivery of their supports.

    What this report is clearly saying in relation to aged care and the NDIS is that carers are not satisfied with the quality of services being provided to those they care for.”

    Carers Australia: Carers Australia calls for greater support for carers within community services as satisfaction decreases

    Productivity Commission: Report on Government Services 2021

    Maybo perspective

    Carers play a vital role in supporting people in need of assistance with core activities of mobility, self-care and communication and it is important that they receive adequate support in their roles. This is particularly important as jobs in the disability and community support sector are predicted to be one of the biggest areas of future demand and will continue to grow with the continued roll-out of the NDIS.

    Our training can help to empower staff and support them in their roles, which can increase levels of job satisfaction. In particular, we deliver training on positive behaviour support (including developing an understanding of positive behaviour support plans), safer de-escalation, promoting human rights, reducing restrictive practices, trauma and supporting people with dementia.

    All of our training can be delivered online, or face to face where safe and appropriate to do so.

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    If you would like to discuss how we can help you please get in touch with one of our experts today

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