AACE Restrictive Interventions Training

    Trainer Documentation

    The new ‘AACE Restrictive Interventions Training’ programme is evidence based, adopts a human rights and restraint reduction approach

    It has been developed exclusively to meet the unique needs of the national ambulance sector.

    Trainers can access the documentation that supports the programme below.

    • Implementation & Quality Assurance

      Guidelines for NHS Ambulance Services and trainers on the implementation of the AACE programme.

      • Delivery guidance
      • Trainer responsibilities
      • Programme conditions


    • Physical Skills Checklist Template

      An example of a checklist that could be used as part of individual’s training records.

      • Guiding skills
      • Restrictive skills
      • Comments


    • Venue Risk Assessment Template

      Trainers should conduct a Venue Risk Assessment at the start of each course. This should identify the size of the space available, any hazards, amenities and first aid support available.

      • Checklist
      • Hazards identified
      • Control measures


    • Pre- & Post-Course Declaration Template

      Each staff member should complete a pre-course health declaration prior to the commencement of training and a post-course declaration at the end of the course.

      • Pre-course declaration
      • Pre-existing injury declaration
      • Post-course declaration
